Dean Falsify Cook's profile

Batman v Superman Movie Poster

I was challenged by art friends over at to illustrate a poster for the eagerly anticipated Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie. As usual I wanted to work in as minimal colour palette as possible to ease the screen printing process, but this time I also wanted to experiment with more atmospheric lighting tricks which inevitably led me to a larger but still manageable palette. I also wanted to to use perspective as a tool to help tell the narrative, albeit a simple one in this case. 
I hope you enjoy the fruits of this experiment, and please feel free to leave comments. 
Peace & chips!
[ 9 Colour Palette ]
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Please feel free to get in touch for any potential projects you would like to collaborate on, or to just wax lyrical.
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Batman v Superman Movie Poster


Batman v Superman Movie Poster

A personal poster project in anticipation of the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie.
